Wednesday, July 29, 2015

2,000 Dairy Farmers to Seek Contract Rearing Service

Contract rearing will increase quite substantially over the next couple of years and potentially 2,000 dairy farmers could require the service.

Teagasc’s George Ramsbottom said that by 2020 over 3500 dairy farmers will have more than 100 cows and these farmers will be stocked at more than a cow/acre when speaking at a recent dairy event.

Ramsbottom highlighted the importance contract rearing will play in the successful future of both the Irish dairy and beef industries.

“The scale and intensity of future dairy enterprises will create huge demands, and dairy farmers will be looking for people to take their stock to relieve some of the labour issues in years to come.”

This increase will mean that there is potential for 2,000 dairy farmers to have their heifers contract reared within the next five years said Ramsbottom.

He also cited the pros and cons New Zealand farmers had experienced in terms of contract rearing.

Teagasc has more information on Contract Rearing at the following link

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